Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Testing a few things : Episode 2, Revenge of the Phase

Now, I have no choice but to get better with the drums.


  1. Wow, drums ! T'achètes vraiment tout ce matériel ? Ca doit faire une sacré facture tout de même ! :O En tout cas...Je suis pas un expert niveau batterie mais tu te débrouilles bien :) Continue comme ça !

  2. http://tinyurl.com/4oz5uet
    check it out

    hey man I'm rooting for ya. I miss the hat covering eyes thing tho :(

  3. Man you are a great music and a great game fan because you recover greatest songs from the past for this new form you create. Congratulations!!!

    Now i make you a little challenge. I wanna see your work using songs for the game "The King of Fighters", for example, Geese Howard theme and Goenitz theme.

    I hope to see others greats creations.

  4. Awesome, dude, you're a genius. I know you've asked many times, but I need to hear your One-Winged Angel version. Godspeed.
