Thursday, December 2, 2010

Working on my most ambitious video yet

This one is gonna take some really hard work to get done. But it looks promising !


  1. Tu ne cesseras jamais de nous surprendre, hâte de voir la surprise que tu caches sous ton bonnet ! ;)

  2. so how long do you think it will take to finish compared to some of your other videos?

  3. I don't really time how much it takes to complete a video, and since it depends of the kind of arrangement, it's hard to answer. I hope this one will be done before the new year.

  4. La question est : Est-ce que ce sera notre cadeau de noël ? :D

  5. Hi Songe,

    I'm really looking forward to see new stuff on your channel!

    I also wanted to ask a question: what type of camera do you use for your HD-footage?

  6. A Samsung Full-HD one. No idea which model...

  7. Bonjour, love your video game covers. FYI, If you had some sort of mp3 download for donations I would be all over it. thanks, and keep rocking the 8-bit (or 16-bit if your new school) ;)

  8. Bonjour Songe! I've been studying in France this past fall and discovered your YouTube channel while I've been here. Your covers are rad and I look forward to hearing more of them.
    Rock on! \m/(>.<)\m/
