Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Battletoads & Double Dragon - Stage 1 (Band Version)

I'm a big fan of this game. I still play it with a friend, sometime.


  1. Hi. Please excuse my poor English. I'm a Russian student from Yekateriburg city. I've been in depression for a long time and I shall be in it tomorrow, but today I found your version of that beautiful melody and I consider it to be excellent. I'm really happy this night due to your skills and my sweet memories about the "Battletoads and Double Dragon" from my childhood. Thank you very much! Please don't stop doing such masterpieces ))

  2. Love this song! You have a good taste in themes, and are very talented in picking up on the subtle notes from the 16-bit songs. Tres bien!!

  3. Hello! I am Russian :) You are have a good music skills. Thank you very much!

  4. Good for you! Excellent! I remembered my childhood and even once went through this game.
